m in “continual learning-mode” when it comes to embracing change more eloquently. The urge to resist something becoming different is very strong in us because the instinct of our human nature has us wrapped up in the notion that change equals hardship if not certain death!
We know that change is inevitable so how do we embrace it in a more efficient and even joyous way?
By checking our spiritual inbox.
What does that mean? It means connecting to the downloads of the divine. Divine is that part of you that intuitively knows there is something bigger than just this. It’s that part that feels the truth no matter what.
We check-in so we can keep the flow of connection coming to us, then the hunches turn into continuous knowing. The goal is to open up and keep open, the channels to receive.
First, you must trust the channel is there for YOU. Then you are required to get quiet enough to connect.
The source energy, whatever you want to call it, is always there we just have to make it a practice to plugin every day.
When you start your practice you may not “notice anything” right away. Don’t be discouraged. There may be a delayed reply in your message so stay open and playfully observe for signs.
I liken it to the old school dial-up internet; sometimes the transmission may come back to you a little slow, but because you have clicked in and made contact, know that you at some point you will get a response. Be open and trust the signs when they appear.
Setting your intentions and meditating in the morning are two really great ways to connect to your higher self. Affirmations will also assist in this connection and I’ve shared a couple of them with you below.
Intentions are very easy to set – they are your deepest desires. Here is a general one I like to set every morning;
“I am open and connected to the universe for the highest good of all.”
This is a proclamation that I am ready to receive from the cosmos all I need.
I am open to all the good stuff!
When you set an intention don’t overthink the words, focus on the feeling as you declare your aim. If you can procure feelings in your body of trust, joy, and curiosity then you are in the perfect framework for intention setting.
Once you set your intention your affirmation will be there to keep you on course with your intention. Affirmations should be read and repeated often.
There is a lot of talk about affirmations. The key to this tool is to find one that resonates with you. When you read, write or say it out loud focus on the affirmation fully and go to the place where you can feel the power of the words. This is also a form of meditation.
A few words on mediation: meditation is designed to be simple. It’s a sacred tool used to connect to NOW.
My take on it is that there is no wrong way to meditate. That you do it is key.
Small doses of mediation can make big changes so again, don’t overthink it.
I like to do walking meditations because I like to connect with nature and sometimes it’s a challenge for me to sit. Find one that works for you and make it a part of your everyday life.
Change can be a challenge so keep checking your spiritual inbox and see what magic you receive!
As promised here are a couple of affirmations I have written for you to try.
For Motivation
“I take uninterrupted action toward my goal and anything that shows up counter to that end vanishes into the nothingness from whence it came.”
To Let Go
“I release anything that does not serve me, making room to receive all forms of the highest most abundant expression of my life.”
To Move Through Fear
“I work with my fear because I know it is a temporary feeling that will pass as I move into action alchemizing the old patterned energy into new desired experiences.”
More Abundance
“I know I am supported by this abundant universe and I am ready and willing to receive all that is divinely mine in forms of gifts money and services. As I give I also am given.”
A few words on mediation: meditation is designed to be simple. It’s a sacred tool used to connect to NOW.
My take on it is that there is no wrong way to meditate. That you do it is key.
Small doses of mediation can make big changes so again, don’t overthink it .
I like to do walking meditations because I like to connect with nature and sometimes it’s a challenge for me to sit. Find one that works for you and make it a part of your everyday life.
Change can be a challenge so keep checking your spiritual inbox and see what magic you receive!
If you would like a personal affirmation downloaded for you from the divine, please visit my Sessions page to set up a personal session with me.